
She was a good natured girl, always kind and helpful, especially towards elderly customers.

That much was apparent. However, between customers, you wouldn’t know what the checkout girl was dreaming about. She slips her fingers into her back pocket, making sure her folded fifty dollar note is still there. Her shift finishes early today and she can easily stroll to the music shop at the other end of the shopping centre. She has saved for this. It’s a DVD/CD deluxe edition of her favourite group’s recent concert, with a booklet. She slowly realises that the old man is waiting. She knows him as a regular customer. He’s always come across as a sad figure, more so when his sickly wife past away a few months back. She had always liked him.

He suddenly asks what day it is. When told, he realises it is two days before his pension comes through. He begins putting several items aside. The woman behind him looks put out by the delay. The girl knows her as the manageress of the dress shop. A stern looking person, always very serious, bordering on grumpy.

After a short hesitation the girl slides her note over the edge of the counter. She leans across and looks down.

“I think you dropped something,” she says.

The old man stoops with difficulty and picks it up. He stares at it and says, “Not mine, I’m afraid.”

The girl smiles. “I think it is. I saw it fall out of your pocket.”

“Gracious!” He says, “How about that. Well, in that case,” he says, bringing all of his items together, “I’ll pay for them all with cash. Thank you so much, my dear. I’ve no idea where that came from, but thank heavens for your sharp eyes.”

The woman behind seems less agitated, but frowns. The old man moves off thanking her again. The girl begins checking the woman’s items. As she reaches with both hands to pick up a large can, she doesn’t see that something flutters to the ground behind her. When she’s been served, the woman pointed across the counter. The girl looks down to see a fifty dollar note, folded in half. Confused, she picks it up.

The woman’s eyes smile momentarily, before she walks away.

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