
She was a deeply religious woman who took loving care of her garden.

All was as it should be in her little slice of heaven. It was that time of year when flowers were being pollinated and the birds and the bees were preparing to start families. Whereas she had no objection to the many creatures in her paradise responding appropriately during the mating season, it did trouble her when she learnt the common name for a particular spider.

It has to be said that her strict pedanticism, almost as strong as her religious beliefs, had her thoroughly familiar with the binomial names of the species of living things that dwelt by the grace of God, in her sacred garden. It was only when she discovered the common name for the Pholcus phalangioides that she began carrying a small spray bottle with her while walking in the garden.

Whenever she came across a pair of them doing what came naturally, she could be heard to mutter, “tut, tut”, and sprayed them with poison.

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