Alphabet Tales – Tea

After a few minutes he came to.

He didn’t know where he was or what was happening.

Before this, he banged his head and knocked himself out.

Before this, the chair wobbled and he fell onto the kitchen floor.

Before this, he climbed up and reached for the rice.

Before this, he took one of the chairs and placed it in front of the larder.

Before this, he saw the new bag of rice up on the top shelf.

Before this, he opened the larder and found his rice canister was empty.

Before this, he took the chicken out of the fridge.

Before this, he decided on left over chicken and rice.

Before this, he made a cup of tea and sat thinking about what he would get for tea.

Before this, he took his jacket off and laid it over the back of a chair.

Before this, he entered the house and went through to the kitchen and put the kettle on.

Before this, he got home and walked up the front path and put his key in the lock.

Before this, he got off the bus at the end of the street.

He remembered getting off the bus…

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