Alphabet Tales – Valley

The valley was beautiful.

He looked out across the vast slopes of green. He could see, and just about hear, the gushing flow of the river as it meandered through the length of it. Its pattern seemed to replicate the twisting road that brought him here. Despite its isolation, it was certainly magnificent country. Everything looked so fresh from the recent rain. Mother Nature at her best. His close colleague had told him about the place, how he had visited the area when he and his wife toured here last year. Looking at their photos had been the clincher. From that moment he wanted to come and see for himself. Now he was actually here, he would have liked to tell someone about the scenery spread out before him, along with a picture, but his mobile phone was not accessible.

Was it the wet conditions, a lack of attention to the road, or too much gazing out at the view?

All of the above.

He had to mentally re-orientate the scenery since the car had landed on its side. He hung to one side uncomfortably, with the seatbelt jammed. As the vehicle had rocked slowly to a standstill he had watched his mobile phone slide out of sight.

Although he had seen no other vehicles on this stretch of the road, the man at the motel had assured him that this route was very popular with tourists.

Sooner or later, a vehicle would come along, until then… he had the view.


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