
It is anybody that sits quietly in their room.

They are but one of many. Many have a window they can peer through, but it can only be used for looking out. Out into a world that itself has been quietened, been made to slow down, been made to stop what it was doing. They are anybody. Anybody that is now bound within walls. They are all kinds of once active people, waiting out their time. Out there a disease has twisted society out of shape. They may have been a mid-twenties shop worker with no shop to return to when their term is done. They know only too well how these quiet, lonely days play havoc with any worldly routines that would normally guide them and others through their day-to-day journeys. Routines governed mostly by the clock. Outings that take in shopping as often as desired, a spontaneous walk across a park, bumping into a friend…a myriad of banalities that now sit so precious within the minds of those that wait.
The waiting may have some strange and unexpected silver lining. They may find something in the silence that comforts; something new. An unknown aspect of existence. They may or may not recognise that it was always there.
Concentrating as they do on their personal, tiny fragment of the world within, may have them truly awestruck by its very vastness…

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