It comes from a strange place; origin unknown.
It can be desired and summoned by some.
It can depart suddenly or fill a moment.
It can be invoked, but holds its own wand.
It can fill a place or be held in a moment.
It can be at one with love.
It can mingle with nature.
It can remain out of sight or unfold without warning.
It can be made visible or reside in quiet euphoria.
It can be evoked in music or dance.
It can be found in art, in song and in verse.
It can be seen, but go unrecognised.
It can create its own place and stand on its own.
It can be created, brewed but not stolen.
It can intoxicate, but defies any trickery.
It can fill a smile and move a tongue.
It can frighten or sooth.
It truly comes from a strange place,
But doubt not, that it can be…