
Treasures have a widening spectrum,

With forms of these duly noted.

Scaling down from more to less,

The frivolous not to be demoted.

There’s the sea, the sky, pink clouds at dusk.

The trees and flowers that skirt a lake.

The wind across a rippling pond,

And every precious breath we take.

Wise words, a loving heart,

An open door, arms held wide,

Laughter, joy, music, song,

The bubbles in a foaming tide.

A helping hand, an answered prayer,

A sense of hope, a tender look.

A rising sun, a night bird’s call,

A starlit sky, a babbling brook.

Treasures have a widening spectrum,

With a scattering duly seen.

A flower’s petal, a needed smile,

Far too many here to glean!

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