
It was a perfect day for communing with nature.

She found herself walking through the forest, taking in the aroma of damp foliage and pine cones. It was so peaceful. The sound of the carpet of dead leaves rustling beneath her feet reminded her of times past; of long gone childhood days. So many sweet memories came flooding back. Her friends running and playing with her. Stopping sometimes, like now, listening to bird calls and trying to name the birds making them. She stood listening for a while. There was only one she was sure of, the rest… the rest she could no longer place. That’s what the ageing process does for you, she thought. It makes things fade away, grow distant, no longer recognised.

Quite suddenly, she found herself in a clearing, she could easily look up into the open sky. She stood watching the few clouds there. Saw how they moved and changed shape. This was yet another thing she would love doing as a child. The cooling breeze was just enough to move wisps of grey hair across her face.

It was only when the sun dipped and dusk surrounded her, that her time was spoilt by the realisation that she had no idea where she was, or how she had got there!

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