
The ticking of clocks,

And the passing of day and night.

The swing of a pendulum,

A power out of sight.

Itself having no before or after,

Neither being free nor bound.

Caught between linear and cyclic,

With no proper definition ever found.

Standing alone,

It has no brother.

Elementary particles interacting,

Each with each other.

It never pauses, standing still, undecided.

Such a changing entity being illusory.

Nothing there is that goes beyond the sway of time,

Ideas like this are just delusory.

A great eternal timelessness,

Seen through nature and her elements.

Its passage seen to beat in unison,

But this is only based on sentiments.

Man made special by

His knowing that it’s there.

Those occupied with wanting more

Are hindered by the lack of where!

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