
It was only available on the black market.

Nevertheless, it was on sale in just about any city you could think of around the world. Generally speaking, it wasn’t hard to find. The global distribution system was the envy of all the cartels and drug lords. It was so incredibly simple. The elixir had very little taste and was completely free from alcohol and drugs, and was incredibly cheap. There were no side effects, but just one powerful, up front, patent effect. Throughout the centuries love potions had been concocted in secret with formulas undisclosed. The elixir however, was different. Certainly, what was put into the tiny bottles was not talked about, but this was because the effect of just one draft of the liquid was enough, more than enough. Nobody ever needed to go searching for another bottle. Well, almost nobody, that is. There were a small proportion of cases that needed to follow up with something else.

The source of the mixture was in plain sight. It was brewed in a very large warehouse in a major city that was known to all. The staff of this establishment was small, only half a dozen or so at any one time. They worked in shifts with a continual stream of shipping container trucks entering at one end and leaving at the other. Although this rotating group that staffed the place were not very keen about explaining the humdrum business of how the international paperwork was handled administratively, or how records were kept for the export of their product, they were always happy to have a complete and open audit by any authority that chose to carry one out. As for what exactly went into the huge tanks that were constantly filling little bottles was never discussed under threat of stopping production, which every member of staff was willing to do.

The idea that production of the elixir could so easily be terminated as a direct result of any authority asking for the formula would be catastrophic on a truly international basis. No government would want to entertain the sort of rioting and community destruction that would so obviously be a natural consequence of such a scenario. The amazing effectiveness of the potion was the one thing that kept everything in place. However, there was one, almost insignificant number of cases where, for a number of reasons, an antidote was requested. This only accounted for a figure slightly less than one percent globally and was taken care of by a much smaller and trouble-free administration programme. Despite this being an extremely expensive restorative solution it was trouble-free because the contents of the bottles were the same.

All of which gives light to the fact that the gullibility of people is truly awesome!

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