She didn’t like the nasty boy that lived a couple of blocks away.
He went to the same school, but in a different class, fortunately. She often saw him bullying the younger kids at playtime. After school one day she saw him kick a sleeping cat. It made her blood boil. She had often fantasised about being able to teach him a lesson, or better still, arranging for him to have an early departure from this world. Of course these ideas were just that; ideas. However, something occurred that allowed her to put a somewhat childish yet thoroughly satisfying plan into place. Those that attended drama class, and she was one of them, often got together in one of their homes after school, for a games night. Dressing for the part, they would play out a game, rather than just moving tokens around on a board.
Their next night was the game of Cluedo, with each of them dressing up to represent Reverend Green, Professor Plum, Miss Scarlett, and so on. As the group would be one short on the night, someone had invited the rotten kid to join in. Because the parent’s house chosen would be empty that evening, it was decided to use all of the rooms, with labels on the doors to represent those shown on the board game.
On the night, she had contrived to be cast as Mrs. White, the quiet and unassuming house servant, while the hateful boy was given the role of the unsuspecting Colonel Mustard. Mrs. White had further arranged to have the revolver, rope, candlestick, wrench, lead pipe and dagger gathered all together in the overhead cupboard in the kitchen. The next step would be to get Colonel Mustard to enter the kitchen.
Mrs. White would decide what to take from the cupboard when the time came.