
He had only met up with his companion recently.

Apparently he had come way down country, just for a spell. He seemed to be a bit strange, but they’d shared the room for a couple of days and the company was good. As for himself, he sat on the window ledge looking down into the street. He was anxiously waiting for the woman to appear. She had been out doing her regular morning shopping for food and he was getting hungry. The newcomer was still fast asleep on the couch. Finally, he saw her crossing the road and entering the building. She was a large woman and obviously struggling with two full shopping bags. Just the site of it made him even more ravenous. Here comes our elevenses, he thought.

He went over to his roommate and gave him a prod. He just twitched a little and went back to sleep. He heard the drone of the elevator, the jangle of her keys, he heard her coming in and putting the bags down in the kitchen. Any moment now, she’d be coming into the room. He was now quite heady with excitement. Surely, the newcomer could smell that!

He poked him again; still nothing. He didn’t seem interested in a midmorning snack.

Maybe, he thought, that’s just the way mosquitos are from up north.

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