
It’s a great panacea, we call it the Net,

But it has to be said with a note of regret

That it really isn’t a flawless asset.

It seems that it is with dangers beset,

Like children playing with a chemistry set,

Or the unseen underworld-crimes onset,

With some of it being too hard to reset.

As for the developers, we are in their debt,

Sadly it’s something we tend to forget,

But an issue-free system is thus far unmet.

Was it something not seen at the Web’s outset?

The chance of corruption, always a sure bet,

And although a great many dreams have been met,

With users taking on a different mindset.

Some of it’s like a game of roulette,

With parts of it seen as a positive threat,

And so many sites being so hard to vet,

It’s used to stir up trouble, no sweat,

With scandals and lies causing upset,

No remedy for this has been found, as yet.

All this, since we were connected to the Internet.

But… despite these flaws, we worry and fret

When the bloody thing is hard to get!

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