
It was all there, intact, everything that could possibly be known, was known.

It was all there for me. All that any human had ever wanted to know about life within the universe and beyond. A great amassing of all information about everything. A vast aggregation of knowledge. The meaning of life. The beginnings of life on Earth detailed. An explanation of consciousness. The cures for all diseases. Knowledge of all life forms in the universe. All forms of matter understood. Black holes and dark energy fully described. Full knowledge of superconductivity. Quantum computing made clear. Quarks laid bare. The cosmological constant fully explained. The origin of particle masses made clear. A complete analysis of the fundamental grand unified theory of forces. A complete breakdown of all astrophysical objects. A thorough understanding of the level of stability in the universe. The answers to the multiverse. The origin of the universe given in detail, and a comprehensive knowledge of all new particles that are yet to be discovered…



It all went as I was wrapped in a towel and handed to my next mother.

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