It was obvious that something was wrong and he needed to get to the bottom of it.
Things were not feeling at all good. He was struggling, looking for some elusive thing sitting deep within himself. Whatever it was, it also occupied the surrounding space. It was overwhelming and frighteningly profound. He felt that it could be grasped if only it was not buried in a great jumble of conflicting ideas and incompatible concepts, all railing against so many distorted realities. He knew that something had to be done!
Having never married and having no children, and regardless of the envy this brought about in those family relations he did have, his considerable fortune could quite happily be spent on himself. Despite never having to use the horny hands of toil, he regarded himself as a man of action. He realised that something just had to be done.
Within an hour of sitting on the edge of his king-size bed, feeling sorry for himself, he had made all necessary arrangements. By mid-morning a car arrived at the front of his mansion to take him to the airport, from where he travelled first class to Switzerland.
The seven-day health retreat in the exclusive clinic was everything he could have hoped for. Although feeling completely rejuvenated when he returned to his home, he nevertheless experienced a period of anxiety. After three days of waiting patiently for his final health report from the clinic to arrive by mail, he received a seventeen page dossier. He retired immediately to his comfortable study to read it.
And there it was, all summed up in the final line of the summary.
In a word… indigestion!