
Nobody ever found out what happened to the woman at number fourteen.

One day she was there and the next she was gone. It was as though her existence had been thoroughly wiped from the face of the earth. She had simply disappeared, along with all of her possessions. The house was left with just a few sticks of furniture, with nothing to show that she had ever owned any of them. The rumour-mill said it was some obscure government department, but that was just gossip. Naturally, her parents and her boyfriend made lots of enquiries and got nowhere. They even tried to get something put in the newspapers about it, but they didn’t seem interested. After a while people stopped looking for her and eventually no one even asked questions. No one, that is, except her boyfriend. He was convinced he could get to the bottom of it. He had found an ally in the old man who was a night cleaner at the local council offices.

The old man had gone through a similar experience when his cousin had vanished into thin air the year before. Between them they began digging. After gathering information from various sources, including staff members at the council offices, they felt they were getting close to the truth. Then… the questions stopped abruptly.

Nobody ever found out what happened to the cleaner and the boyfriend.


She looked down at the creature, struggling pathetically beneath her claws.

She had seen this mouse often enough, skittering around the back yard. Never walking, only ever running. It would however, occasionally stop dead, lift its ugly little nose and sniff. This, before scampering away again at great speed. However, this loathsome creature, loathsome but no doubt tasty, had made the mistake of coming around the corner of the house at such a rate of knots that coming face to face with she who was waiting, could do nothing but career strait into the soft fluff of her belly. She had simply been lazing, the way cats do, but on this particular morning, in the right place at the right time. Just because she could… she tightened her grip.

The mouse squeaked. “Oh! Not so hard. Please!”

“Hah! You’re in no…” whispered the cat.

“Position?” the mouse broke in.

“Yes. Position.” Said the cat. “You’re in no position to tell me what to do.”

“Yes, I am!” Came the indignant reply.

The cat moved its head from side to side. “You can believe that if you like, but you’re not.”

The mouse looked up into the cat‘s eyes with a resolute determination, and went on. “On the contrary, I would say that considering the circumstances in which I find myself at this very moment, my request is a perfectly reasonable one. Besides, I was not telling you what to do at all… I was only asking. Nothing more.

The cat relaxed its hold, just a little. “Well,” she purred, “aren’t we the feisty one.”

“I have to be, don’t I?”

“Oh! Really? Why is that?”

The mouse wriggled herself into a more comfortable position. “I have to be,” she repeated, “I’m a mother.”

“Ooh!” Said the cat. “How many?”


“Yuck! Two more horrible little creatures.”

The mouse’s eyes widened. “They’re not horrible, they’re both quite beautiful.”

The cat thought about that and asked, “Boys or girls?”

“One of each.”



“Traffic accident… cat?”


The cat relaxed a little, but couldn’t think why. “No husband, now. It doesn’t work that way with us.” Her eyes clouded over. “Kittens; three. All gone. Given away.”

The mouse said, “Sorry.”

They both just lay there for a while. Neither fully understanding the thoughts that were running through the other’s mind.

Slowly, the cat lifted its paw.

The mouse rose up without hurry and shook itself off. It made its way along the wall of the house until it came to the crevice. It glanced back, then disappeared.

The cat went back to sleep.


On the face of it, they were just another homeless couple.

The sun was setting as they trudged through the town’s streets. He felt sure he could find a haven, regardless of how rough; somewhere they could doss down for the night. He was more than a little concerned about her condition. Nobody would have any idea how much he is in love with the woman who finally lays down to rest. In truth, as a couple, they would not be known by many in this place. He sits beside her, watching her sleep. It was as though he was on a mission. One that he didn’t understand himself. To the best of his ability he’s been looking after her. He only knows that it falls to him to protect her and the unborn child. The child is not his, but he will do his best to keep them both safe.

The open door catches the chill of the evening breeze. He pulls her blanket a little higher. She looks so peaceful, despite their wandering the streets for so long. He steps out of their temporary shelter and gazes up into a darkening sky with stars slowly appearing.

He peers into the grey distance at the dimming town of Bethlehem.


There once was a guy who liked writing,

With his blog-followers he was uniting,

He didn’t chat much,

Not a pen pal, as such,

But the silent connection was exciting!


It was kind of magical that it happened on that very day.

It all began innocently enough. Just a smile across the counter. Nothing more. Just a smile… but what a smile! She must have looked really dumb, just standing there ogling him. It was when he asked her if everything was alright, that the pounding in her chest started. Anyway, that’s when she surprised herself by licking her lips and apologising, saying how much she was looking forward to her break when she could go up to the café and get a coffee. He smiled again, saying what a good idea. She had watched him go, weaving his way through the shoppers. It was a busy day in the department store. She had quickly pulled herself together and moved along to serve her next customer.

When her mid-morning break came, she was relieved by another lady assistant and she made her way to the café. The moment she entered; she saw him. He gave a polite wave along with the smile, of course. Her heart had begun thumping again as she approached. He immediately began apologising for taking the liberty of waiting for her to appear. She had just smiled back, shaking her head. Next thing; she had sat, while he ordered their coffees…

The rest of it was a whirlwind.

They talked for the best part of an hour, making her late back to her department. Her fellow worker was very understanding when told why she was late. Then came the meeting after work, in the Italian restaurant they had decided on. Finally, he had driven her home. With a brief kiss, she had gone in. Behind net curtains she had watched him drive away.

Now, she was lying in bed thinking about it all, for an age.

It had been all she could do, not to invite him in. That might have put him off; giving him the wrong impression or something.

…and to top it all; all this, on her forty-fifth birthday!


When they arrive, he never asks, but he gets told anyway.

The shocking weather and the exorbitant price of fuel, as icebreakers. He gives a friendly grunt. Then comes the heavy stuff. They talk about the neighbour’s dog that continually barks in the evening or the boy bullying their daughter at school or how their son-in-law lost yet another job because of his drinking. The listener just pulls a face, grunts and nods. Then there’s their sister’s marriage break up. He’s always pleased to see you and understands better than most why you’re there. Of course, he has stories of his own, like how his brother-in-law won a small sum on the lottery, just enough to take the family out to dine at a swanky restaurant and how well behaved his two kids were and how much they all enjoyed it. But, you’ll never hear about that.

No, the one-sided chatter continues while he’s busy with his scissors, they just keep on snipping.

He never asks, he just grunts. But he always listens.


He became frustrated because his doctor didn’t seem to be fixing his problems.

When he got home that evening, in a desperate state, he sat down in front of his computer screen. He began to search for alternate medicine sites. He found quite a number and was surprised to find one in his home town. It was a natural healing shop that only saw patients for a consultation who had made a phone booking. He did this and a week later he attended his appointment. It was only a small shop that mainly sold herbal remedies. The young girl at the front desk checked the appointment book then ushered him through to a room at the back. It was a pokey little room, just room enough for a desk and two chairs.

However, the thing that immediately caught his eye was the beautiful splash of colour on one wall. It was a mandala. He had always been fascinated by these, with their intricate geometric configurations. This one was particularly captivating with its radiating red and blue leaf-like construction. It hung on the wall behind her.

The old woman at the desk asked him to sit down and explain why he had come to see her. He had a job keeping his eyes off the art piece, but he nevertheless managed to give the woman a detailed account of his conditions. There were two things that troubled him the most, a constant ringing in his ears and early hair loss. The old lady cackled a little and told him that would be easy to fix. She had a tablet for each of the ailments and explained that they were very fast acting medications and needed to be taken one week apart.

Shaken from his reverie, he was surprised to find the old lady’s wrinkled hand being thrust at him. She was holding two tablets. She explained that the pink one was for the ringing in his ears and the orange one was for his hair loss. He was told to pay the girl at the front desk on his way out. Taking one last look at the mandala, he thanked her and left the room. He paid the girl at the front. It wasn’t cheap, but it was dawning on him that if the old woman was right, his problems were about to be fixed.

When he got home, now in a pretty excited state of anticipation, he filled a glass with water and sat down at the kitchen table. He carefully placed the two tablets, side by side in front of him. One of them would fix his hair problem and the other the horrible ringing in his ears. He asked himself which of these did he want to put right first? He felt there was little in it. Then it dawned on him that he had no idea which tablet did what! He couldn’t remember. He simply hadn’t paid attention. Well, he thought, I want them both fixed, don’t I? So, he scooped them up and swallowed both at once with the glass of water.

In that moment, the ringing in his ears grew very loud and all his hair fell out!


She always enjoyed her morning medication.

She went to the cupboard and conscientiously took the box down and placed it on the kitchen table. At the tap she filled a glass with water. Sitting at the table, she carefully opened the container.

A pill for maintaining optimum blood pressure, a pill for infection control, a pill for weight control, a pill for better sleep, a pill for better self-control, a pill for the alleviation of stress, a pill for stronger motivation, a pill for greater patience, a pill for better listening skills, a pill for good judgment, a pill for improved creative thinking, and a pill for the eradication of toxins.

A pill for improved goal setting, a pill for greater self-awareness, a pill for increased empathy, a pill for improved social skills, a pill for improved flexibility, a pill for improved problem-solving, a pill for easier decision making, a pill for better conflict resolution, a pill for stronger self-discipline, a pill for good judgment, a pill for moral rectitude, and a pill for greater calmness.

She swallowed it and washed it down with water.

Sighing with satisfaction, she said, “How good is that? All that in the one pill!”


She sat in her car, not wanting to go home.

Although the young woman had left the office later than usual, she had barely got halfway across town, when she pulled over. Now, she was running through the familiar and predictable upcoming events in her head. They had all happened before; many times. It didn’t matter that she was running late. She could sit here for as long as she liked. She’d be home long before him. It was his so-called darts-team night. He’d go straight to the pub and start drinking from the moment he arrived. He will play darts and drink for an hour or so, then come home drunk, he’d start an argument, and he’d get angry…

With a jolt, it came to her that she’d been sitting there for an age, when the blue flashing light in her rear vision mirror brought her out of her unhappy reverie. She watched as a policeman climbed out of the vehicle and slowly walked towards her. He walked a short distance past and pointed up at a no standing sign right in front of her, then strolled back and leaned in.

“Sorry Miss, you need to move on.”

She looked up smiling. “Yes, of course,” she said, and quickly pulled out into the main road.

She was still smiling when she whispered to herself, “What a good idea!”


It happened the day his old friend called in for a quick visit.

The man used to be a neighbour before he moved away. They hadn’t seen each other for a while, so after a call to let the man know he was in the area, he made his way back to where he used to live. He was met at the door and shown in. When his visitor walked into his friend’s lounge, he froze. He stood staring at the huge art piece that filled the corner of the room.

“Wow!” he said. “I’ve never seen anything like that!” He stepped a few paces closer. Obviously impressed and with a look of amazement, he turned to his friend and said, “If you don’t mind me asking, who made that?”

The other proudly replied, “It’s by a local artist.”

“However did you come across them?”

The other smiled. “As it happens, my neighbour’s son…”

 “Your neighbour’s son? He did this?” His friend blurted.

The owner shook his head. “No. My neighbour’s son works backstage as a sound technician for the state orchestra. He and the second cellist were recently engaged. She has a cousin who works for the man who manages the bakery in the high street. His brother-in-law, the baker’s, not the manager’s, often does casual work as a roadie for a local pop group. They were performing in a club when he met the woman who runs the local estate agency. She had met the artist while she was on holiday in Ibiza.

She happened to be in the same dentist’s waiting room when we got chatting. By chance, she still had one of his business cards. It was she that told me about this local artist. She recommended him.”

He smiled again.

“He did it!”