He often went passed the old weirdo’s magic shop without thinking.
On this occasion he spotted an old Box Brownie camera in the window. Of course, these were completely outdated, but he’d always wanted to own one and try it out. He went in. The old guy seemed to be glad to get rid of it. It was cheap enough and the shop owner threw in a role of old film. It was a real bargain. The film had a few days left before the expiry date. It looked as though it had enough left on it to take a few of his own before getting it developed. At home he took a couple of pictures in the garden, a couple indoors, and the final one of himself. He did this by rather cleverly standing in front of the full-length mirror in the bedroom. Naturally, he couldn’t wait to see the results, so he took the film to the chemist shop the same day.
When it had been developed, he collected it and was pleased to see that they all came out. At home he sat down and took the photographs out one at a time. The first ones he looked at, being the originals that were left on the roll, were rather dark, but were mainly of people dressed in black, with hoods, dancing around a fire. The next two, taken in the garden, were disappointing. Apart from being blurred, his flowers looked wilted. The two he took inside were also fuzzy and made the room look as though it needed decorating. The final picture was of a skeleton standing in front of a full-length mirror!
He had a really bad feeling about what he was looking at. Something told him to panic.
He began frantically looking for the ‘use by’ date.