
He was looking forward to checking his emails when he got home.

As soon as he got in he went straight to his laptop and opened it. He was impressed with the fast response. He had logged into the dating agency a few days ago and provided his personal details together with his preferences. He was happy to read that five of the women who had seen his agency posting where happy to arrange a date. To maintain confidentiality, the woman there referred to them as Two, Six, Eleven, Twelve, and Fifteen.

Nominating a particular bar in town, along with the preferred weekday dates and times he had listed, she arranged the meetings for the following week. On Monday the 8th, he would meet Six at 09:00pm, on the 9th, Twelve at 7:30pm, on the 10th, Two at 8:00pm, on the 11th, Fifteen at 08:30pm, and on the 12th, Eleven at 8:00pm. He confirmed the dates with the agency, then, considering the complexity of it, and to avoid any possible embarrassment, he decided to sit and carefully draw up a calendar. After checking it over several times, he relaxed, feeling that everything would work out just fine.

However, on the Saturday before, he received an urgent email from the agency explaining that the times had to be adjusted. He was asked to swap Fifteen at 08:30pm with Six at 09:00pm, and would he mind if Two made it 8:30 and not 8:00. Also, as Twelve had requested that she moved to the end of the week, how did he feel about Twelve changing places with Eleven? His head was spinning.

As it happened, the girl next door was a secretary, well versed in scheduling. He asked her for help. He went round with his calendar, now showing a number of coloured additions. They sat for a long time trying to work it all out. They both agreed that the whole thing was simply too complicated. He went online, withdrew his requests, and cancelled his membership. He thanked her for her help and they agreed to meet in the bar on Monday night at 08:00pm.

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