
Something strange occurred during the night.

t had been a violent storm with a great deal of thunder and lightning. Nevertheless, they had both slept heavily through all of it. Several times bolts had struck the house, but without leaving visible damage. One of these seemed to light up their bedroom, as though it was filling the room with charge, but they both slept on. In the morning they found themselves up, dressed and ready for work without actually speaking to one another, although they felt that they had.

“Will you be home on time tonight?” she asked, without speaking.

“The auditors are still in, I might be asked to stay back… hope not,” he said, without speaking.

“Short day for me. Might shop this afternoon. If I have time, I can do one of those special casseroles you like,” she says with a smile, without speaking.

He watched her smile and smiled back, shaking his head. “You know we’re not actually speaking to each other, don’t you?” he said, without speaking.

“Yes,” she replied, without speaking.

“It all seems perfectly natural to me,” he says, without speaking.

“It does, doesn’t it?” she says, without speaking.

“Is this something we should be worrying about,” he asks, without speaking.

She shrugged. “Don’t see why, could come in handy.”

She said this without speaking.

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