The actual robbery inside the bank had gone well.
Each part of the plan had been followed meticulously with no hiccups. This was not the case however, with the getaway. The driver of the getaway car turned up late, leaving the three men carrying large bags of cash, standing around waiting for about thirty seconds. Whereas, under most circumstances, this short period would mean very little, that did not apply in this case. Keeping their hoods on, while passers bye stared at them suspiciously was really uncomfortable to say the least. In fact, when he did arrive apologising for the delay and explaining that he had slept in, they were so annoyed that later that day they agreed that they would no longer require his services.
As in all these cases, the saloon car, stolen of course, needed to be dealt with. Within their criminal fraternity they had a person who was expert in such matters. He was contacted with instructions concerning its disposal. He was told that the vehicle was currently hidden by being parked alongside several thousand other cars in a very large open car park. He was given the bay number along with details of how the keys were taped inside the rear bumper. The location of a piece of waste ground outside the city was given where he was required to thoroughly torch the vehicle, with express orders not to open the boot.