
It was having a hard time studying on its current level.

Like so many students had thought in the past, was it really necessary to learn about such things? What was the point of it? Would it improve one to know about it? The mentor would be close soon. It struggled on. Eventually, the mentor arrived.

  • What are you studying?
  • I’m on level 37 on strata 12.
  • Yes, a difficult period to study.
  • Definately.
  • And you’re struggling with?
  • 37.9
  • Oh! Yes. Discrimination laws throughout the twentieth centuries.
  • Tell me what difficulties you have found so far.
  • Religion. Well, not just religion. This whole area of race, colour and creed seems to be so unreal. It is hard to learn about ideas that don’t seem real.
  • It is hard, but you might find it easier to stay focused if you continually keep the concept in front of you that you are dealing with a long-gone period when beings operated in bodies…

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