
He saw it as he was turning into the driveway.

It was out there on public display. It was his favourite paisley waist coat. Well, he only ever had the one, but it was still his favourite. He’d had it forever. Back in the day, when they went out dancing, it was his signature, everyone loved it. It took the brunt of many a joke, but it was a thing his friends used to identify him with, as a good sort, always good for a laugh. It was always packed whenever they went away. It was a big hit in Ibiza, the locals there loved it. He even wore it when he went skydiving once.

A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then. Plenty of ups and downs; lots of downs lately; with her. He felt it all going pear-shaped when he came home drunk again. She knew how much the thing meant to him. Yes, he got the message. He got out of the car and walked back out to the recycle bin. There it was, half hanging out… deliberately! He took it out, shook it off and laid it carefully on the passenger seat.

As he drove away, he thought he’d have it dry-cleaned.

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