
It had been a good evening with her small apartment filled with guests.

As parties go, it was nice and relaxed with soft music and plenty of finger food. Everyone was well behaved, with the exception of her latest boyfriend, who got drunk and had to be helped into a taxi halfway through the evening. She was grateful that nobody seemed to notice, but knew that something had to change. She would think about it later. The remainder of the night went well. Towards the end her guests slowly drifted off in small groups, after thanking her for the evening. It was nearly midnight when she had the place to herself. She had a fair bit of clearing up to do. She didn’t want to wake up to it in the morning.

It took her the best part of an hour to go around generally tidying up before she set about washing up. There was a lot of it and she almost filled the sink with soapy water. Feeling tired, she slowly washed, dried and put everything away.

Back at the sink she pulled the plug and thought about him as she watched the sink empty.

It was at this point that the answer suggested itself to her, as she watched the dirty water disappear down the gurgler.

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