There was once a being from another world; another world, time and altogether another condition of circumstance.
This being worshiped light. It saw only goodness in light, and wanted to stay forever bathed in it.
It revelled in sunshine; would glide happily through moon beams, immerse itself in twinkling starlight, and would often be found hovering excitedly around the dimness of the smallest candle’s flame. In fact, wherever there was any light to be found, it would be there also. This being never tired of searching out and chasing light, in all of its many forms.
In this being’s world, for it was a world of sorts, there ruled a great king. A king, or a God, or a great source of light; for this was the state of things in this other condition of circumstance.
Because of its unending love of light, this being made a great journey across vast tracks of time to visit this king. It had a wish that it carried; a wish to remain forever in the light.
The king, being made up of the brightest and most beautiful light the being had ever seen received the being with abundant grace. It wanted to know why this being had travelled so far over such a span of eons to seek an audience.
The beings request was put. It wanted to abide with light for eternity.
The king saw how earnest this request was and decided instantly to grant the being’s wish.
It was decreed that the being would take the name of shadow. The king declared that shadow would always exist where there was light.
And so it came to pass that wherever there was light, there also would be shadow. And for all of eternity it would be that light and shadow were always found together.