
There were so many sightings; so many cases of people going missing, all around the world.
There were believers and there were nonbelievers. He fell into the latter category. He had completed his schooling with good grades and now had a science degree under his belt. This, he was quite sure, meant that he was a perfectly intelligent person, fully aware of what was real and what was not. The fact was, there was so much bunkum being spread around by newspaper articles along with television news reports about supposed events. It was some kind of mass hysteria that was spreading worldwide, he thought. He would relish the thought that he, and he alone, could put an end to all forms of speculation about aliens buzzing the planet and their taking unsuspecting humans on board for whatever nefarious purposes the rumourmongers could dream up. This idea, this desire to be the one to put an end to the nonsense, seemed to grow with the titillating reports. In fact, he felt that the time had come.
He did his research. He found that so many of the most sensational and prolific reports were coming from a particular site in the UK. It was a specific area, close to a military base on the east coast of England. Supposedly, these nightly events were occurring with such amazing regularity, according to most news sources, that it meant that this would be the place that this valiant debunker would head for. He took a flight and made his way to the very spot that he had read so much about. So much so, that once there he felt a strong sense of familiarity with the stretch of open woodlands and even more so with the clearing he was standing in. It was this feeling of being surprisingly comfortable in this hitherto unknown place that had him quietly standing still for over an hour into the late evening.

Although he couldn’t explain it, he was not in any way startled by the sudden appearance of an alien craft hovering silently in the night sky. In fact, it was with a feeling of building euphoria that he watched the craft slide across and take up a position directly over his head. At this point, he was hardly aware of his raising his arms. He watched as a glow began to appear beneath the ship. The beam seemed to descend slowly. It finally lit the ground a short distance away.
He stood, waving his arms.
The spotlight moved towards him.
Then… he was gone!

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