
Not everybody would choose to live the way he does.

His shack is buried deep in the forest. His provisions and needs are basic. His contact with the outside world close to non-existent. One might well imagine that leaving the bustle of life behind, withdrawing from civilisation, choosing a way of life that allows him to live life as nature intended was his primary aim. From an early age he had always enjoyed the bounties of the forest, his long walks with his father, himself very much a lover of nature. On the face of it, you would think that this existence, this attempt to become one with his natural environment, to blend in with the forest, this desire to get close to the natural world, to live in harmony with Mother Nature, was all that drove him. You would think that.

However, despite its outward appearance, the shack’s interior is quite luxuriously appointed, with all weapons and unregistered cell phone provided by the Black Ops division of MI7.

On call 24/7.

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