
Nobody knew what was going on with the boy.

His powers were truly awesome. From his very early years he made a steadfast decision that he would tell no one. It seemed as though nature had decided that some weird adjustment to the natural order of genetic progression was in order. A significant alteration had taken place, causing a great splash in the gene pool. He would watch news events on the television; bad things, evil happenings, wicked people, things that he felt quite sure caused him a great deal more consternation than most viewers. There were times, growing up, when he was tempted to share what he knew of all of this, his apparent gift, his strong concerns, with his parents, but this had never happened. Further to this, he managed to constrain his abilities to a reasonable level in order to keep them hidden.

He was in his late teens when it happened. He’d always wanted to go to India, so when a number of cheap package holidays were advertised, he booked one. He went alone on what would be a short getaway trip. As his hotel was close to a national park, he took several walks through the forest during his stay. It was while on one of these pleasant morning walks that he made out a hilltop not too far away and decided that he could climb it and return in the time available. Although when he arrived at its base it turned out to be a lot higher than he had thought, but he was determined to climb it anyway. When he reached the top the view was breathtaking. He found a spot where he could sit in comfort. He found that the solitude filled him with a sense of great peace, and with it the perfect environment to do nothing but think…

So, when against all odds, world leaders all began frantically signing peace treaties, no one knew why.

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