His personal feelings about what he was doing were coming to a head.
He was beginning to realise that being a superhero had its drawbacks. Although he enjoyed bringing about order from chaos, saving lives, beating off villains and generally wowing people, too often his efforts were not fully acknowledged. In fact, there were times when he received pretty negative attitudes following his courageous activities. Sometimes he had to put up with receiving a certain amount of blame for what he did. It had even been suggested that it would have been better if he hadn’t interfered. This attitude, showing no appreciation for his efforts, was often deeply hurtful. More and more, he considered the citizens he was protecting were just plain ungrateful.
It came as a great surprise to those who had enjoyed his extraordinary services over the years when it was discovered that he had shot through, leaving his cape and mask hanging over the back of a chair in his rented room. The huge shock this had delivered to the general population was made worse by the fact that all attempts made to discover his whereabouts turned out to be fruitless.
Meanwhile, his work as an orderly in an aged care facility was so much more rewarding.