
He knew it was going to be a mixed bag when he sent out the invitations.

Thoughtful got there early to set up the chairs. Unsuccessful texted to say it couldn’t come. Successful arrived in a limousine. Trustful didn’t bother to lock his car. Healthful came straight from the gymnasium. Reproachful complained about the lack of parking. Disrespectful didn’t wipe his feet on the way in. Grateful wouldn’t stop thanking the host for the invitation. Suspenseful only said he might turn up. Forgetful left her glasses at home. Resourceful got a lift from a friend. Unlawful parked in a no-parking zone.

Distrustful locked his wallet in the car before going in. Helpful mucked in whenever there was the need. Mistrustful was accompanied by his personal taster. Wilful insisted on moving people’s chairs around. Forceful insisted that everyone take a serviette. Unheedful ignored the sign saying that the urn’s water was hot. Tearful kept talking about her recently deceased hamster. Unfaithful brought his mistress. Colourful told lots of jokes and sang foreign songs. Skilful carried four glasses of wine across the room without spilling anything. Guileful was planning to pocket a few fairy cakes. Harmful kept treading on peoples’ toes. Spiteful hurt a woman’s feelings with nasty comments about her dress. Merciful forgave the woman who spilled coffee over his suede shoes.

Resentful didn’t see why she should have to sit near the kitchen. Unhelpful kept removing plates that were not empty. Respectful bowed a lot. Wasteful said he never ate the crusts. Mirthful laughed about everything. Truthful didn’t like the fish paste and said so. Watchful kept looking out of the window. Ungrateful complained that there wasn’t enough food. Slothful kept asking his wife to get him refills. Overcareful refused to have more than half a glass of anything, in case of spills. Shameful was continually blushing, but nobody knew why. Untactful commented on a man’s big ears.

Cheerful had nothing but happy thoughts. Sorrowful had just lost a favourite uncle. Unhopeful said the world would soon end. Stressful was worried about the economy. Beautiful held the attention of the men. Frightful wore black and green makeup. Prideful was at pains to show off his new suit. Fanciful was sure that the host was a warlock. Dreadful thought that personal hygiene was overrated. Blissful was absolutely content with everything. Plentiful had everything he needed. Deceitful lied about his credentials. Scornful had contempt for the government. Hateful didn’t like anything. Peaceful seemed to be in a state of permanent rapture.

Bashful sat quietly in the corner. Vengeful explained how he had poisoned his neighbour’s dog. Blameful kept finding fault. Wistful just stood thinking most of the time. Powerful was reporting on his promotion to Managing Director. Careful was cautious in his conversations. Weariful always felt tired. Regretful hadn’t invested in cryptocurrency when she should have. Disgraceful swore a lot. Unhealthful was grossly overweight. Boastful was forever showing off. Wrathful was angry about life generally. Reposeful fell asleep at the table. Playful wanted to play hopscotch out the back. Wishful wanted everybody to stay all night. Doubtful wasn’t sure whether he should have come at all.

He knew it was going to be a mixed bag when he sent out the invitations.

It’s just as well he was mindful.

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