
It was a busy household with a large family and a number of children.

Despite it being a country in the third world, it was a happy place. He was a live-in lodger, come dogsbody, who was mostly the occasional driver, house cleaner and gardener. It all fell to him, this particular mid-morning, when the calamity struck. Much to the horror of those sitting around watching it, the tv screen went completely black! Naturally, he was asked to fix it. Looking at the set-up, with its complexity of partly hidden cables, it was hard to say whether the problem was with the Blu-ray unit, the Personal Video Recorder or the television itself. All young eyes were upon him, as he sat checking each piece of electrical equipment. Their expressions were mostly friendly.

The fact that tv shows returned to normal soon after was due mostly to his earning a university place at the end of his school years. It was there that he gained a Bachelor degree in Electronic Engineering, together with the realisation that it was not a field the he wanted to work in. Mostly, he was content with merging into this family’s life, with its car, house and garden.

From the family’s patriarch, an extra carton of cigarettes and a smile, his reward.

This kind of thing sat well with him… mostly.

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