He looked into the future and saw the way it was all going.
As a general comment, he’d have to say it didn’t look good. Need any kind of information? You’ll find it online. Everything’s online. Phones, pads and mobile phones are there to get you anything you need. It’s all online. No more newspapers, all gone. If you want news it’ll be on line. It’s all there, online. Music halls and cinemas no longer needed. Everything’s online. Nowhere to buy a music centre, or even a player. They don’t make them anymore. CDs, records and tapes all gone. No need, there’s lots of music online. No more notes or coins. No more banks and no bank tellers to talk to, all gone. All currencies now crypto, all done online. No shops in the high street; even the convenience stores have gone. Whatever it is, you can buy it online. Everything’s online. Libraries are all gone, along with the books. Plug your earpiece in and listen to it being read.
Everything’s online.
And… if you can’t find it online, stop and think, it may no longer exist…