
He was about to eat when his phone sounded, he looked down and saw it was from her.

He sat back and stared at the screen. What was this? Was this going to be an apology, he wondered? He certainly deserved one. He thought about the others that were there at the time. They had all been embarrassed by her behaviour. It wasn’t as though she was drunk, as far as he could tell. Maybe she just felt strongly about it, which anybody could have, he supposed. After all, it was in all the papers and being discussed by anyone who had a view about it. It was the way she just blurted it out in such a crude manner that took everybody by surprise. Well, no, more like shock, really.

His finger hovered over the delete button.

He supposed it could be seen as nothing more than a peccadillo, as his father used to say. On the other hand, there were five other people that were made to feel very uncomfortable by what she said. He sighed.

Finally, after much thought, he made up his mind.

He would read it…

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