She was considering the self-evident truth about how much things can change.
Three years ago she had made a promise. It was different then, they were so happy. Her sacrifice was such a small thing for her then. He had never shared her interests in things that he considered best left alone. He thought what she was doing was dangerous. He said it was a threat to both of them. So, she had promised.
But, the fool had succumbed to the charms of the woman in the accounting office, and that changed everything. She needed the book. With her promise made, she had hidden it away in a shoe-box.
He was out again, she wasn’t sure where, most likely at his favourite bar in town, or maybe her place. Either way, it gave her the opportunity to retrieve her book of incantations. She flicked through and found the one she needed. It would happen wherever he was. It would be better if it actually ended in a hospital. These things always ended well in those clinical, professional environments. Questions wouldn’t be asked. She would receive a call informing her that her husband… etcetera.
She held the open book and spoke the words. After this, she sat waiting.
In less than an hour, the phone rang… it was the hospital.
She had given her solemn promise that she would give it all up, but that was then, and once learned, witchcraft never loses its power.