He’d been brought in for questioning.
Of course, he was known to the police. He couldn’t deny that as burglars go, he was prolific. However, much to the frustration of the law keepers, he’d always got away with it. It was simple really. Whenever he was on a job he made absolutely sure that he left no evidence. Each time, with a great deal of care, he would check and double check that no trace of him being there would be found. All he had to do was come up with a completely plausible alibi for the time of the robbery. He sat looking at the familiar face of the investigating officer. Although he felt that something wasn’t quite normal about his expression.
“I’m afraid your days of thieving are over,” the detective began.
“You don’t say
“Ah! I do say. We have you nailed this time.” He pushed a black and white photo across the table. “The mayor’s home has a lot of security, as I’m sure you are aware. But you obviously didn’t know that a cleverly concealed camera, only recently added, took this picture just as you were climbing back out of the window. Please note the time stamp. Any alibi you come up with just won’t wash this time.”
He looked down at the photo. It was only a black and white print out, but it was clearly him, looking up in the direction of the hidden camera. He looked up, saying, “But I wasn’t there!”
The policeman chuckled. “You’re going down for this one.” He sat back and leered. “It’s really satisfying to know that the few articles taken would hardly pay for a good meal.”
“But I wasn’t there,” he whispered. He picked it up and studied the time. He couldn’t believe it, knowing full well that at the time shown he was in another town successfully robbing a jewellry store of several highly valued items.
He sat weighing it up.