
He was having a great deal of trouble finishing his story.

He had been at it for weeks. He had lost track of how many hours he’d spent going back over it, time and time again. Now, he had got to the point where he asked himself whether it was really worth going on with it. Finally, he decided to take a complete break from it. He would go and pick up a book. A book about something else. Something entirely different.

He had quite forgotten that he had the one he took down from the bookshelf. He began to read. It was fascinating. It dealt with the ‘many worlds theory’. Scientists were saying that based on quantum mechanics, all of these other worlds are as real as this one, and they all exist on the same timeline.

He thought about it. This being the case, there would be another him, out there somewhere. He’s no doubt writing the same story. In fact, he’s probably finished it!

What a relief!

Now, where did he put that other story draft?

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