Looking into the heart of trivia
Can be more than a serious matter.
Seeking the truly hidden things,
Beyond any party chatter.
It is not so much the ‘did you know?s’,
Like the use of peanuts in dynamite,
Or that male seahorses really do give birth,
Or that moon-bows are rainbows that appear at night.
It’s not that the first pencils were made from lead,
Or that New Yorkers can’t see the stars at night,
Or that an ostrich lays an egg bigger than its head.
Once known, such things can be seen as trite.
It’s so easy to trip over trivia
And fall, without knowing that you did.
So much that is regarded as trivia
Has places where treasures are hid.
Is it the fear of a lack of seriousness
That has us looking away?
There will always be things truly unseen.
Always, come what may!