The idea of being in more than one place at the same time had always appealed to him.
Despite his extensive research, continual trial and error testing of his computer code and relentless hours devoted to the subject of teleportation, he’d never attained that particular goal. He had come along way, but being in several places in the same moment seemed to allude him. His fascination with the idea of experiencing an omnipresence first came to him while studying Hinduism. Ubiquity seemed to be all the go. He pondered over text containing theories about the existence of a fundamental substance that according to some scholars is the source of everything that physically exists. However, the transfer of this into practical and repeatable computer code was proving to be a showstopper.
His cleverly designed pocket version of his gizmo that allowed him to instantly leave one location and in the very same moment appear at another, wasn’t quite cutting the mustard.
All this came to a head one morning while loitering in the shadows near his bus stop.
Pressing the button in his trouser pocket to have himself instantly teleported to the back of his favourite coffee house a couple of towns away, thus saving him a whole lot of boring travelling time, went horribly wrong. In truth, the precise cause of the event beyond a bug in the code, the device’s battery dying or a sudden change in humidity, will never be known. Only one thing was for sure.
Unhappily, this unlikely coming together of a number of highly improbable circumstances resulted in him being absolutely nowhere at once!