
As doctors go, he was unique.

Because of the nature of his work, he found it necessary to maintain a low profile. In fact, the actual number of clients was small. He dealt with those who also preferred to stay below the radar. His rather special abilities as a medical practitioner were that he was able to cure anything; absolutely anything. This included diseases sometimes, but in the main, injuries. On some special occasions this involved bringing back the dead. As far as the crime bosses were concerned, this was his main talent. This was the thing that made him so valuable and kept him protected. His patients came to his carefully concealed rooms at the back of one of the crime syndicate’s restaurants. Without exception they came from the underworld of crime.

Whereas most people within the numbers of those that he dealt with appreciated his special skills, this was not the case everywhere. Down below, a completely different attitude was building momentum. It took a while before it was noticed that the odd soul was going missing from Hades. This was, of course, a different kind of underworld. The man in charge down there was furious when his minions gave him the news. It was evident that nothing like this had ever happened before. It was a given that when a soul was cast down into the fiery depths of Hell, it stayed there… forever!

It was the case that up above no one gave any thought to the problem, while down below the opposite was the case. Down there a great deal of head scratching went on in order to come up with a solution.

In the end, the answer was simple.

It came as a horrible shock to those above when they found their specialist medical practitioner in his rooms, on the floor, as dead as a Dodo.

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