
Since his school days he had been a keen photographer.

His website was continually being updated with photos. The site was devoted to flowers in the main. Occasionally he would take pictures of bushes, trees or even landscapes, but his love was for examples of flowers in bloom, with their bright colours and delicate shapes. He would spend time getting the lighting and the focus just right. The result of this being that most people in his street and beyond would know of his site and would often tell him how interesting it was. These admirers included the couple next door, especially her. She was known to continually gush about how beautiful his photos were. This, in itself was not a bad thing. However, listening to her did have its down side.

Whenever the woman said something really complimentary about his images, she would invariably end with the comment, ‘you must have a good camera.’ Over time, this phrase became nothing short of infuriating. Being neighbours, he had always managed to let these things pass.

This was the case until he was in the front garden considering whether a particular flower was ready to be captured when the couple turned up in their car. Getting out, they came to the low dividing fence and began chatting. It didn’t take long before compliments began to fly about a series of shots taken at their local park that had recently been posted. Inwardly, he readied himself for the inevitable. It came as she turned to go into the house.

When she had gone, he leant on the fence, and said, “I bet your wife is a good cook.”

Somewhat taken aback by the comment, the man hesitated briefly before proudly stating, “Oh! Yes, she is.”

The other nodded, and as he turned to go in, he said, “She must have first class kitchen utensils.”

He went in quickly, leaving the comment hanging…

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