
A random mix of man’s desires,
Through every race and nation.
They vary wide from soul to soul,
No matter what their station.

So many seething motivations,
Pushing man around,
Some a peaceful sanctuary,
Some a battleground.

A striving for a peaceful world,
An innocence, devoid of blame,
A need to be in control,
A burning yearn for fame.

Some lean towards creation,
Others tending to destroy.
Some revel in cacophony,
Others to silence cloy.

Some, like a lighthouse beam,
Others hardly glow.
Some gallop at a pace,
Others take it slow.

Some want to share with all,
Some more circumspect.
Some stoop with the weight of life,
Others remain erect.

Some are screaming in their minds,
While others whisper gently.
Some to wickedness are bent,
While others do good intently.

Some glow with demonic pride,
Others are humble and pure,
While conquering others drives the strong,
Servitude spurs the demure.

A plethora of inbuilt drives,
To which each is bound,
And growing in each aging heart,
Is where the variances are found.

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