
Nobody really knows what became of Medusa.
One version tells of an incident that occurred only a few years back. It is said to have happened one sunny morning in a cave just a short distance from a small village in south-eastern Europe. They say it was there that old blind Boris, from that same village, encountered her. She was squirming around, the way that particular Gorgon was prone to do, when she heard Boris stumble into her hidey-hole. He was drunk again. He was a man of peculiar habits. He always wore dark sun glasses to let the occasional tourist know he was blind. Sometimes this brought about a parting of loose change for drink. One such visitor had recently dropped a pair of mirrored sunglasses that a kind lad had passed on to Boris.

Anyway, becoming aware of his presence, the mythical creature reared up in front of Boris with a loud hiss. This was something he took to be the wind coming down off the mountains. It was when she hissed again, even louder, that the old man realised that the sound was coming from inside the cave. The ugly creature’s eyes were blazing and ready to strike when he turned. The horrifying beam that emitted from beneath the wreath of wriggling snakes struck the mirrored surface of the lenses and bounced back. The cave fell silent. Boris stood listening.
Still wondering where all the noise had come from, he moved forward. By doing so, he bumped into something hard that clattered to the floor and was heard to shatter into tiny pieces before the cave became silent once more.
Anyway, that is only one version.
It seems that Boris found these events strange and disturbing. So, becoming uncomfortable with his present surroundings he concentrated on finding his way out of the cave and into the warmth of the sun.
Besides, he needed a drink.

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