
She was gazing out of the kitchen window, thinking about all of the troubles in the world.
There was so much going on. It was on the television, in the papers, on her mobile phone; it was everywhere. Constant warnings about how truly bad world events were getting. The unemployment figures were on the rise again, the education sector’s in turmoil, religious conflicts were escalating, not enough was being done about world-wide poverty, there were more and more cases of racial discrimination, and so many wars were going on around the world.
She shook her head.
Her cat nudged her ankle.
Ecosystems are being destroyed, overpopulation was threatening sustainability, biodiversity was not being properly protected, there was a lot of indiscriminate deforestation going on, and a lack of proper gun control.
She sighed audibly.
Her cat nudged her ankle, again.
There are mounting humanitarian crises happening around the globe, and of course, there’s global warming, with not enough being done to combat climate change, and behind all this, almost forgotten, there was the ever present threat of nuclear war. She couldn’t help wondering, are we all heading towards some sort of apocalypse?
Her cat nudged her ankle, again, harder.
Then, realising she was working herself up into a state, she looked down and asked herself, am I feeding him enough?

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